CLBT, working in an always more competitive and selective environment, looking for the satisfaction of own customers’ expectations and requirements, of own employees and of interested components, has recognized in the quality the strategic factor to be pursued in order to:
Company policy for quality, food safety, health, security and environment
- Strengthen and improve its own market position;
- Improve offered service level and customer satisfaction, providing a trusted and constant service in compliance with requested requirements;
- Improve work quality, providing needed resources, organizing processes and identifying responsibilities;
- Guarantee a development always able to adapt to new market needs;
- Guarantee respect of regulations related to Safety & Security, Food Safety, Health and Environment
Therefore CLBT intends to operate constantly in order to:
- Improve company’s organization in order to increase its competitive level;
- Ensure to its customers the ability of satisfying their needs;
- Minimize not compliances, inefficiencies and losses of time;
- Minimize risks and workplace accidents;
- Safeguard the asset and entirety of managed goods’ values;
- Safeguard company’s and customers’ data and confidential information;
- Protect the environment promoting environmental consciousness and awareness of workers;
- Systematically make an analysis of non-compliance causes in order to build a preventive to avoid them;
- Carry out a suppliers selection choosing only those able to satisfy CLBT requirements and maintaining a constant cooperative relationship of data exchange in order to optimize mutual synergies and performances;
- Improve staff’s skills, professionality and satisfaction;
- Improve staff’s sensitivity regarding quality, food safety, safety and security and environment;
- Enhance staff’s sensitivity and consciousness regarding the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP);
- Systematically carry out an appropriate risks analysis to plan and implement actions that can deal with risks and opportunities;
CLBT Management, in order to operate in compliance with the policy it decided to adopt, believes it is essential to involve the whole staff and to give it value inside the company through awareness and training activities.
Health and safety
- CLBT considers as a primary and essential purpose the health and safety care of its staff, external operators and workers who act on behalf of company and local community.
- Each employee has the duty and responsibility for taking care of his own health, of his colleagues and anyone (external operators, drivers, maintenance worker) involved in normal work activities;
- The Management strives to safeguard a work environment complaint with laws, without dangers for the whole staff. With the aid of qualified advisors, appropriate risks evaluations and all necessary equipment, controls, including protections and fire prevention ones, are carried out;
- The whole staff is encouraged to report emergency situation, potential danger or near miss accidents. The Management appreciates these reports and every relevant indication for the work place health and safety improvement. The Management undertakes to provide an immediate reply to the whole staff;
- Company staff’s and external operators’ professional training is realized through the implementation of regular meetings and updating courses;
- CLBT aims to increase safety during goods transport and related activities of loading and unloading. The target is pursued trough the support of several instruments, including the application of BBS Program ( Behavior Based Safety) and SQAS Assessment.
Drugs and alcohol policy
Each CLBT employee recognizes and is conscious that the company engaged with strictest regulations on people’s health and safety preservation. Alcohol and drug consumption, possession and distribution is strictly forbidden.
CLBT considers environment respect as an integral component of its activities, taking responsibility of following commitments:
- To operate according environmental legislations and internal norms preventing every illegal behavior;
- To systematically analyze all environmental aspects concerning process implemented, including supervision of resources consumption, in order to reach goals and continuous improvement targets and to prevent all kinds of pollution;
- To prefer relations with suppliers able to provide products and services conforming, as much as possible, to internal management system;
- To support intermodal transport development in the interest of environment and in pursuance of CO2 emissions decrease.
Quality and food safety
Quality Management System adopted is described in Quality Manual and is implemented through Operating Procedures and Instructions, in compliance with ISO 9001. Food safety Management System is implemented in compliance with ISO 22000 and has as main reference the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Manual, in addition to Operating Procedures and Instructions.
Manuals, Operating Procedures and Instructions are made in order to:
- Clearly identify responsibilities in each productive and supporting process;
Provide guidelines for the whole staff and external operators involved in company activities; - Keep processes supervised;
- Identify possible non-compliances processes with the aim of studying and adopting preventive and corrective actions in order to improve company performances.
Furthermore an Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points is performed in order to ensure safety in food industry activities. Risks are minimized thanks to dedicated prevention programs or controlled with suitable supervisory and safety operations.
The Management is committed to:
- Make available all necessary resources and promote staff involvement to achieve prefixed purposes;
- Ensure that above politics is widespread, understood, put in practice and supported by everyone. The company is sure to reach a quality service only thanks to the whole staff commitment;
- Set specific and measurable targets for each company department with the aim of evaluating business development with the help of the whole organization.
Systems efficiency and competence are regularly verified and certified trough external audit carried out with the support of independent resources, as well as regular internal audit according to ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP standards and SQAS guidelines.